Hold steady

Antibiotic and chest decongestant

Antibiotic and chest decongestant

I’ve been very sick this week. Until Wednesday I was focusing on fighting off the sickness, and between Wednesday and today I was focusing on diagnosing and treating it. This morning I went to the Minute Clinic at CVS, where the Nurse Practitioner diagnosed me with an upper respiratory infection and a bilateral ear infection. Since then I’ve started taking amoxicillin, Mucinex and pain-relieving ear drops, in addition to the frequent doses of cold medicine I’ve already been taking.

I’m feeling a bit better but I’m also feeling apprehensive, and a wee bit sorry for myself. I remember well my usual reaction to a ten-day course of antibiotics.

Days 1-5 “Hey, this is barely affecting me at all. I’m awesome!”
Day 6: Ugh. Can’t. Move.
Days 7-10+: Moping about and feeling useless.

I’ve been thinking not only of my past reactions to antibiotics, but of my past reactions to being sick. Too often during the last several years, I’ve found myself feeling sad and frustrated about not being able to exercise, and reacting to this in the worst possible way: by spiraling down into a hole of depression and overeating.

I can’t let that happen again.

Today I got a strong urge to go out for “comfort food” to assuage my misery. I narrowly avoided this pitfall by reminding myself that my eat-whatever-I-want day is tomorrow. After tomorrow, and especially when the antibiotics start playing merry hob with my system, it’s going to be much more difficult. I have to stay focused. I can’t go off the rails again.

4 Responses to “Hold steady”

  1. Gwyn Says:

    Hang in there. I recommend onion soup from the Moosewood Restaurant cookbook. Good for what ails ya, and relatively lowfat. Also yogurt. It seems to get some of the antibiotic side effects to go away. Hugs. I sympathize. I’ve got stomach flu.

  2. theoneifeed Says:

    Thanks Gwyn. Gee, so many people are sick right now! I hope your flu goes away soon.

  3. kestrelhill Says:

    When my husband had to be on a long course of antibiotics, his MD actually wrote a prescription for 8 oz organic yogurt, BID.

    Soup soup soup. I wish I could send you a quart of my butternut bacon soup.

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